Tag: HSA
To all our customers and brokers, past, present and future
British Engineering Services remains fully operational serving all our customers where they still require our services during these difficult times.
The HSE (and HSA) have confirmed that there is no derogation of regulations that apply to our sector. On that basis, we should continue to operate business as usual within the guidance provided from HSE/HSA and the Government. SAFed considers the Inspection and Conformity industry as serving all sectors listed within the latest Government publication and therefore considers the work of its member companies as essential public services such that their staff are deemed to be key workers.
Our industry should be supporting the efforts of key services and suppliers in the UK and it was surprising to hear that some of our competitors had withdrawn services for a period.
We are the only Inspection business that specialises in our industry in the UK and Ireland and our priorities and commitment to our people and customers are clear.
The key for us is to keep on serving our customers, to keep them operational especially key services such as Hospitals, Utilities, food chain, key manufacturers, emergency services, care homes, schools, local authorities and so on. We also recognise that some customers do not want us in during these times and of course we will continue to support them once things return to normal.
It is vital that in a time of such crisis that we recognise how important our part is in keeping things moving and keeping people safe.
We must stick to Government guidelines and again these may change further over the coming days and weeks. Again, we will implement in line with these at all times. We will keep reviewing what is safe and what isn’t and update you regularly.
This business has survived two world wars, a 1996 bomb attack outside its Head Office in Manchester and many global economic recessions during its 160-year history. Throughout we have served our customers and kept Britain and Ireland functioning safely. As long as we adhere to Government guidelines then I am sure that we will come through this pandemic stronger and fitter. We will keep performing in these difficult times.
I am absolutely proud of what we do, and I don’t want to let down other key workers by not being able to support them.
We have seen a small increase in customer appointment cancellations, but these have been offset by existing customers asking us to do more and new customers asking for help. We have received many compliments from customers and brokers over the last week about our service and our relationship management.
I am not a political animal, but I must say that our Governments in the UK and Republic of Ireland are leading brilliantly. We must support their efforts and keep Britain and Ireland safe and where possible or essential keep them working safely.
We work with fantastic customers and brokers who have always supported us, and we will continue to support them through this crisis.
Best regards,
Stewart Kay
Group CEO
British Engineering Services Group
5 New York Street, Manchester M1 4JB