Category: Video

We're delighted to be supporting some amazing charities across the British Engineering Services Group. We're proud of our complete team for agreeing on some truly amazing causes (and there are a few) and we're excited about doing even more on this front throughout 2022.
Watch our short video for more about why we're donating to some of these charities...

Category: Video

Watch this short video for more about how the Paul Forrester Training Centre is supporting our industry leading (and award winning) approach to training.

Category: Video

We’re delighted to share that we’re now up and running at our brand new training facility in Warrington.  We look forward to officially opening the doors to The Paul Forrester Training Centre next year and in the meantime would love to share this short video, which we think gives a brilliant insight into our stand alone, industry leading facility, with you.

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Category: Video

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Category: Video